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Learning by Doing

Awards & Reviews


America’s National Parks

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Book Of The Year Award

Silver Medal

ForeWord Magazine


Benjamin Franklin Award

Silver Medal


The Independent

Book Publishers Association


Here are some of the wonderful things 
people have to say about
Teddy’s Travels™ - America’s National Parks

This creative book not only is a great introduction to the parks for kids, but can turn into a keepsake thanks to the activities it offers and stores on its pages. It is designed tough to stand up to the rigors of going on the road and intended for kids to read as they tour the parks. 
-Kurt Repanshek,

It's a charming book for anyone doing cross-country travel, lovers of teddy bears, and RV travelers. Even for those planning to stay at home, it provides a quick, accessible overview of our national state parks. 

Rizzi’s writing style is playful and simple enough for most kids, but there’s still plenty of information to hold the interest of adults reading along.
-Valerie Kuklenski, Los Angeles Daily News

It's Tedrick's voice that explains park features and makes suggestions about what to see. This makes the book especially engaging, not only for the six- to ten-year-olds it was written for, but also for adults. Teddy's Travels is a great way to introduce kids to America's wonders, and plenty of adults will enjoy learning about national parks through the eyes of a teddy bear, too. 
-Megan Edwards, Roadtrip America

At last, here is a travel guide for grownups and kids to use together, not just for one trip but over many. Kudos to Teddy for coming up with a better book than humans ever could.
-Janet Groene, Family Motor Coaching Magazine

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